But his romantic efforts did make him into an excellent meme.
It's fairly unlikely that the Cypriot authorities who arrested Mustafa after a seven-hour standoff (with no injuries or casualties) were willing to pass along his mail. Which left the Internet to imagine what it said.
Other husbands, meanwhile, were annoyed at how high he'd set the bar.We wondered how to stop hijackings like this in the future.And we imagined—using an instantly iconic photo of Mustafa and a smiling hostage with nerves of steel (Ben Innes, of Aberdeen, Scotland)—what could drive us to similar extremes.As well as some alternative wooing strategies.And, of course, the painful outcomes.In the end, perhaps the hijacker flew a little too close to the sun. But don't we all do crazy things when we're in love?Photo via ERIC SALARD/Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)